
Hi! I’m Jim McDonald. Welcome to my web site. It’s designed to give you quick access to my talents that may fit your particular needs. I hope you enjoy your browse and that we work together soon.

To see samples of my work visit the FilmPrint and Voice Over tabs. The About Jim tab takes you to my Summary of WorkBiographySpecial Skills, TrainingCloths Sizes, etc. The Downloads tab takes you to files that can be downloaded such as my Resume. The Client Services tab shows my rates, terms & conditions and is where my clients access the work I’ve done for them. At Projects Out Now, to the right, you can see a list of my jobs currently running, with one highlighted at the top.

Again, thanks for stopping by, enjoy your visit and email me any questions you may have at the Contact tab.


Voice Over Demo - COMMERCIAL

Straight read (free credit reports)
Relaxing, sexy (Hyatt Regency)
Guy next door (United Rent-all)
Caring (Health Extras)
Hard sell (new car inventory)
Wise guy (Jack in the Box)
British accent (Jaguar)
French accent (Courvoisier Cognac)
Spooky (Ortho fire ant bait)

Highlighted Project

Veterans who suffer a disability while serving our Nation have earned VA benefits. But getting through any government’s maze of red tape is something most soldier’s don’t know how to do. As a disabled veteran myself, it was an honor to do two interviews attorneys Carol Ponton & Mathew Hill who have authored a book on the basics of obtaining your VA a benefits. The first interview is about VA benefits in general. The second interview is specific to Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). This FREE book is available from their website and is a valuable tool to help veterans obtain the benefits they deserve.